Washington DC Dental Implant & All-On-4 Implants

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A dental phobic since childhood, this lovely person grew up always feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed by her teeth. In fact, she refrained from smiling a lot of the time. She always wanted to do something about her teeth, but didn't know how to begin getting it done. As luck would have it, she noticed the new smile of her co-worker, who had the same restorative treatment at our office. Seeing how great the result could be emboldened her to come in for a consult and a plan to restore her mouth to a more youthful, happy appearance. Now, she is the one smiling after the miracle of the All-on-4 upper implant procedure. What a great difference for her!

Back to a Happy Smile!



Can't Believe the Difference!

It's hard to believe a Dental Implant result that looks so beautiful--and natural, too! Couldn't be happier. 

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.