Why Dental Implants Are Important

Dental implants offer the ideal solution for many of our patients due to their ability to prevent jaw shrinkage along with their increased strength and ability to provide flawless results.

When you lose a tooth, you also lose its root. Unfortunately, the root of your tooth is what is responsible for sending signals to your body that bone is necessary in that part of your jaw. Options such as dentures and dental bridges sit on top of your gums, providing a solution for the missing tooth, but failing to address the missing root. Due to this, those options allow your body to reabsorb the minerals in the jaw surrounding the missing tooth and will inevitably result in jaw shrinkage and collapse.

By contrast, dental implants work by replacing the missing tooth’s root. By placing the implant into your jawbone, our Washington DC implant dentists are able to provide you with a strong foundation for an artificial tooth while also eliminating the risk of jaw shrinkage and collapse.

Dental implants are made of titanium, a biocompatible metal that is nearly as strong as steel while only a fraction of its weight. Due to the biocompatibility of titanium, dental implants are easily accepted into most jawbones as a natural tooth root. Due to the strength of titanium, dental implants are able to offer a solid and permanent foundation for restorations such as dental crowns. Due to their ability to prevent jaw shrinkage along with their increased strength and ability to provide flawless results, dental implants offer the ideal solution for many of our patients.

If you live in or around Washington DC, Maryland or Northern Virginia and would like to learn if dental implants are right for you, please contact Washington Center for Dentistry to schedule an initial consultation today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.