Benefits of Invisalign
In the past, straightening your teeth meant wearing metal braces. And although traditional braces are very effective, they can interfere with your day-to-day activities and even cause discomfort. Fortunately, you now have a choice, and many patients choose Invisalign for convenience, comfort, and appearance.
Invisalign is a tooth-straightening treatment in which a series of clear, custom-made aligner trays is progressively worn to straighten your teeth. You wear each tray for about two weeks, and after about a year, your teeth will have moved into their final positions.
Invisalign treatments offer major advantages over metal braces:
- Invisalign trays are virtually invisible and easily removable.
- Because you remove the aligner while you eat, there are no food restrictions. You can eat whatever you like.
- You can brush and floss normally to maintain good oral health.
- The smooth plastic aligners are less likely to cause discomfort than metal braces.
Because the aligner trays are made just for you and are fabricated from a nearly invisible plastic, the only thing others will notice is your smile.
Your childs early dental care is an important part of lifelong dental wellness.
If you live in or near Maryland, Washington DC, or Northern Virginia and are ready to learn how Invisalign can benefit you, please contact the Washington Center for Dentistry today to schedule your appointment.